§<\/sup>This function must be used with VIGI specified software.<\/p> △<\/sup>When People & Vehicle Analytics is enabled, only DWDR is supported.<\/p> *Calculations based on laboratory testing using a 3MP VIGI camera, and an actual performance may vary according to the amount of activity recorded, resolution and other variables.<\/p>
**SD card is not included in the package.<\/p> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/div>
CAMERA<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> |
Beeldsensor<\/th> | 1/2.7\u201d Progressive Scan CMOS<\/td> <\/tr> |
Shutter Speed<\/th> | 1/3 to 1/10000 s<\/td> <\/tr> |
Slow Shutter<\/th> | Yes<\/td> <\/tr> |
Minimale Lichtsterkte<\/th> | 0.005 Lux; 0 Lux with IR/White light<\/td> <\/tr> |
Dag/Nacht Mechanisme<\/th> | IR Cut Filter<\/td> <\/tr> |
Day/Night Switch<\/th> | Unified/ Scheduled/ Auto<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table><\/div>","short_description":" InSight S445<\/h2> <\/div> VIGI 4MP Full-Color Turret Network Camera<\/h1> <\/div> - 4MP Super-High Definition and 24h Full-Color<\/li>
- People & Vehicle Analytics§<\/sup><\/li>
- Human & Vehicle Classification<\/li>
- Smart Detection<\/li>
- Smart Video Enhancement Technology<\/li>
- Active Defense and Two-Way Audio<\/li>
- IP67 Waterproof<\/li>
- H.265+ Compression Technology<\/li><\/ul> <\/div><\/div>","has_variant_price":false,"has_variants":false,"is_out_of_stock":false,"label_price":100,"selling_price":100,"starts_with":100,"ends_with":100,"on_sale":false,"is_returnable":true,"is_stock_managed":false,"documents":[{"document_id":"2008948000018287151","name":"InSight_S445_UN_1.0_overview_07_normal_20240914013702m.jpg","is_featured":false,"attachment_order":0,"alter_text":"InSight S445 | VIGI 4MP Full-Color Turret Network Camera"},{"document_id":"2008948000018287153","name":"VIGI_C485_UN_1.0_02_normal_20240822063239i.jpg","is_featured":false,"attachment_order":0,"alter_text":"InSight S445 | VIGI 4MP Full-Color Turret Network Camera"},{"document_id":"2008948000018287155","name":"VIGI_C485_UN_1.0_03_normal_20240822063239j.jpg","is_featured":false,"attachment_order":0,"alter_text":"InSight S445 | VIGI 4MP Full-Color Turret Network Camera"},{"document_id":"2008948000018287157","name":"VIGI_C485_UN_1.0_04_normal_20240822063240x.jpg","is_featured":false,"attachment_order":0,"alter_text":"InSight S445 | VIGI 4MP Full-Color Turret Network Camera"},{"document_id":"2008948000018287159","name":"VIGI_C485_UN_1.0_05_normal_20240822063240p.jpg","is_featured":false,"attachment_order":0,"alter_text":"InSight S445 | VIGI 4MP Full-Color Turret Network Camera"}],"images":[{"id":"2008948000018287151","url":"/product-images/InSight_S445_UN_1.0_overview_07_normal_20240914013702m.jpg/2008948000018287151","title":"InSight S445 | VIGI 4MP Full-Color Turret Network Camera","alternate_text":"InSight S445 | VIGI 4MP Full-Color Turret Network Camera","order":0,"is_featured":true,"is_placeholder_image":false}],"attributes":[],"seo":{"description":" InSight S445 VIGI 4MP Full-Color Turret Network Camera 4MP Super-High Definition and 24h Full-Color People & Vehicle Analytics § Human & Vehicle Classification Smart Detection Smart Video Enha ","title":"InSight S445 | VIGI 4MP Full-Color Turret Network Camera"},"specification_group":[],"variants":[{"variant_id":"2008948000018287129","options":[],"stock_available":0,"double_stock_available":0,"is_out_of_stock":false,"is_returnable":false,"selling_price":100,"label_price":0,"sku":"InSight-S445","isbn":"","mpn":"","upc":"","ean":"","price_brackets":[],"images":[{"id":"2008948000018287151","url":"/product-images/InSight_S445_UN_1.0_overview_07_normal_20240914013702m.jpg/2008948000018287151","title":"InSight S445 | VIGI 4MP Full-Color Turret Network Camera","alternate_text":"InSight S445 | VIGI 4MP Full-Color Turret Network Camera","order":0,"is_featured":false,"is_placeholder_image":false},{"id":"2008948000018287153","url":"/product-images/VIGI_C485_UN_1.0_02_normal_20240822063239i.jpg/2008948000018287153","title":"InSight S445 | VIGI 4MP Full-Color Turret Network Camera","alternate_text":"InSight S445 | VIGI 4MP Full-Color Turret Network Camera","order":0,"is_featured":false,"is_placeholder_image":false},{"id":"2008948000018287155","url":"/product-images/VIGI_C485_UN_1.0_03_normal_20240822063239j.jpg/2008948000018287155","title":"InSight S445 | VIGI 4MP Full-Color Turret Network Camera","alternate_text":"InSight S445 | VIGI 4MP Full-Color Turret Network Camera","order":0,"is_featured":false,"is_placeholder_image":false},{"id":"2008948000018287157","url":"/product-images/VIGI_C485_UN_1.0_04_normal_20240822063240x.jpg/2008948000018287157","title":"InSight S445 | VIGI 4MP Full-Color Turret Network Camera","alternate_text":"InSight S445 | VIGI 4MP Full-Color Turret Network Camera","order":0,"is_featured":false,"is_placeholder_image":false},{"id":"2008948000018287159","url":"/product-images/VIGI_C485_UN_1.0_05_normal_20240822063240p.jpg/2008948000018287159","title":"InSight S445 | VIGI 4MP Full-Color Turret Network Camera","alternate_text":"InSight S445 | VIGI 4MP Full-Color Turret Network Camera","order":0,"is_featured":false,"is_placeholder_image":false}],"custom_fields":[],"is_available_for_purchase":false,"is_deliverable":true}],"tags":[],"review_id":"36155000006296241","is_social_share_enabled":false,"is_product_custom_fields_enabled":true,"is_product_review_enabled":true,"is_product_price_brackets_available":false,"is_input_custom_field_available":false,"is_available_for_purchase":false,"is_deliverable":true},{"product_id":"2008948000018287261","name":"VIGI C540-4G | VIGI 4MP Outdoor Full-Color 4G Pan Tilt Network Camera","type":0,"handle":"vigi-c540-4g-vigi-4mp-outdoor-full-color-4g-pan-tilt-network-camera","url":"/products/vigi-c540-4g-vigi-4mp-outdoor-full-color-4g-pan-tilt-network-camera/2008948000018287261","quick_look_url":"/products/vigi-c540-4g-vigi-4mp-outdoor-full-color-4g-pan-tilt-network-camera/2008948000018287261?quick_look=true","category_id":"2008948000010188624","brand":"TP Link","status":true,"description":"
LENS<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> | Type<\/th> | Fixed Focal Lens<\/td> <\/tr> | Focal Length<\/th> | 4 mm<\/td> <\/tr> | Aperture<\/th> | F1.6<\/td> <\/tr> | FOV<\/th> | Horizontal FOV: 80°, Vertical FOV: 43°, Diagonal FOV: 94°<\/td> <\/tr> | Lens Mount<\/th> | M12*0.5<\/td> <\/tr> | DORI Distance<\/th> | Detect: 80 m (262 ft) Observe: 33 m (109 ft) Recognize: 16 m (52 ft) Identify: 8 m (26 ft)<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/div> PTZ<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> | Pan/tilt Bereik<\/th> | Pan: 0° to 348°, Tilt: 0° to 120°<\/td> <\/tr> | Pan/tilt Snelheid<\/th> | \u2022 Pan Speed: Configurable from 8° to 44°/s; Preset Speed: 44°/s
\u2022 Tilt Speed: Configurable from 8° to 44°/s, Preset Speed 44°/s <\/td> <\/tr> | Manual Control Speed<\/th> | Configurable from 8° to 35°/s<\/td> <\/tr> | Presets<\/th> | 300<\/td> <\/tr> | Patrol Scan<\/th> | 8 patrols, up to 8 presets for each patrol<\/td> <\/tr> | Power-off Memory<\/th> | Yes; Auto restore to previous PT and lens status after power failure<\/td> <\/tr> | Park Action<\/th> | Yes; Preset; Patrol Scan<\/td> <\/tr> | 3D Positioning<\/th> | Yes<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/div> Angle Adjustment (Manual)<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> | Range<\/th> | \u2022 Pan: 0° to 348° \u2022 Tilt: 0° to 120°<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/div> ILLUMINATOR<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> | IR LED<\/th> | \u2022 Quantity: 2 \u2022 Range: 30m \u2022 Wavelength: 850nm<\/td> <\/tr> | White LED<\/th> | \u2022 Quantity: 2 \u2022 Range: 30m<\/td> <\/tr> | Illuminator On/Off Control<\/th> | Auto/Scheduled/Always on/Always off<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/div> VIDEO<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> | Max. Resolution<\/th> | 2560 X 1440<\/td> <\/tr> | Main Stream<\/th> | \u2022 Frame Rate: 50Hz: 1fps, 5fps, 10fps, 15fps, 20fps, 25fps 60Hz: 1fps, 5fps, 10fps, 15fps, 20fps, 25fps, 30fps
\u2022 Resolution: 2560x1440, 2304x1296, 2048x1280, 1920x1080, 1280x720
Note: If the image rotation is set to 90° or 270°, the frame rate only supports up to 20fps.<\/td> <\/tr> | Sub-Stream<\/th> | \u2022 Frame Rate: 50Hz: 1fps, 5fps, 10fps, 15fps, 20fps, 25fps 60Hz: 1fps, 5fps, 10fps, 15fps, 20fps, 25fps, 30fps
\u2022 Resolution: 640x480, 352x288, 320x240
Note: If the image rotation is set to 90° or 270°, the frame rate only supports up to 20fps.<\/td> <\/tr> | Bit Rate Control<\/th> | CBR, VBR<\/td> <\/tr> | Video Compression<\/th> | \u2022 Main Stream: H.265+/H.265/H.264+/H.264 \u2022 Sub-Stream: H.265/H.264<\/td> <\/tr> | H.264 Type<\/th> | Main Profile/High Profile<\/td> <\/tr> | H.264+<\/th> | Main Stream Supported<\/td> <\/tr> | H.265 Type<\/th> | Main Profile<\/td> <\/tr> | H.265+<\/th> | Main Stream Supported<\/td> <\/tr> | Video Bit Rate<\/th> | \u2022 Main Stream: 256 Kbps to 3 Mbps \u2022 Sub-Stream: 64 Kbps to 512 Kbps<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/div> Image<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> | Image Settings<\/th> | \u2022 Mirror \u2022 Brightness \u2022 Contrast \u2022 Saturation \u2022 Sharpness \u2022 Exposure, WDR, \u2022 White Balance \u2022 Prevent Overexposure to Infrared Light \u2022 HLC Adjustable by Client Software \u2022 Rotation (90°/270°)<\/td> <\/tr> | Image Enhancement<\/th> | BLC/3D DNR/HLC/SmartIR<\/td> <\/tr> | Wide Dynamic Range<\/th> | DWDR<\/td> <\/tr> | SNR<\/th> | ≥ 52 dB<\/td> <\/tr> | Image Parameters Switch<\/th> | Yes<\/td> <\/tr> | Privacy Mask<\/th> | Up to 4 Masks<\/td> <\/tr> | ROI<\/th> | 1 Region<\/td> <\/tr> | OSD Setting<\/th> | Yes<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/div> AUDIO<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> | Audio Communicatie<\/th> | Two-Way Audio<\/td> <\/tr> | Audio Input<\/th> | Yes<\/td> <\/tr> | Audio Output<\/th> | Yes<\/td> <\/tr> | Audio Compressie<\/th> | Yes<\/td> <\/tr> | Audio Sampling Rate<\/th> | 8KHz<\/td> <\/tr> | Environment Noise Filtering<\/th> | Yes<\/td> <\/tr> | Audio Bit Rate<\/th> | 64 Kbps(G.711 alaw)<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/div> Netwerk<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> | Protocol<\/th> | TCP/IP, UDP, ICMP, HTTP, HTTPS, DHCP, DNS, RTSP, NTP, UPnP UDP, SSL/TLS<\/td> <\/tr> | ONVIF<\/th> | Yes<\/td> <\/tr> | API<\/th> | ONVIF<\/td> <\/tr> | Simultaneous Live View<\/th> | 2 Main Streams & 2 Sub-Streams<\/td> <\/tr> | Client<\/th> | VIGI App, VIGI Security Manager, Web UI<\/td> <\/tr> | Web Browser<\/th> | \u2022 Google Chrome® 57 and above \u2022 Firefox® 52 and above \u2022 Safari® 11 and above \u2022 Microsoft® Edge 91 and above<\/td> <\/tr> | Cloud<\/th> | Yes<\/td> <\/tr> | Beveiliging<\/th> | Password Protection, HTTPS Encryption, IP Address Filter, Digest Authentication<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/div> 4G<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> | Standard<\/th> | LTE-TDD/LTE-FDD/WCDMA<\/td> <\/tr> | SIM Type<\/th> | Nano SIM<\/td> <\/tr> | Category<\/th> | 4<\/td> <\/tr> | Frequency<\/th> | \u2022 LTE-FDD: B 1/3/5/7/8/20/28 \u2022 LTE-TDD: B 38/40/41 \u2022 WCDMA: B 1/5/8<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/div> Alarm en Event Management<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> | Smart Event<\/th> | \u2022 Human & Vehicle Classification \u2022 Intrusion Detection \u2022 Line-Crossing Detection \u2022 Region Entering Detection \u2022 Region Exiting Detection \u2022 Object Abandoned Detection \u2022 Object Removal Detection \u2022 People Detection \u2022 Vehicle Detection<\/td> <\/tr> | Basic Event<\/th> | \u2022 Motion Detection \u2022 Video Tampering Detection \u2022 Exception (Illegal Login)<\/td> <\/tr> | Alarm Linkage<\/th> | \u2022 Memory Card Video Recording \u2022 Message Push \u2022 Audible Warning \u2022 White Light Flashing<\/td> <\/tr> | Linkage Method<\/th> | N/A<\/td> <\/tr> | Output Notification<\/th> | Message Push<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/div> INTERFACES<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> | Netwerk Interface<\/th> | 1 RJ45 10/100M Self-Adaptive Ethernet Port<\/td> <\/tr> | Alarm<\/th> | N/A<\/td> <\/tr> | Reset Button<\/th> | Yes<\/td> <\/tr> | Power<\/th> | DC Power Port<\/td> <\/tr> | On-board Storage<\/th> | Built-In Memory Card Slot, Support MicroSD Card, Up to 512 GB<\/td> <\/tr> | Built-in Nano-SIM Card Slot<\/th> | Yes<\/td> <\/tr> | Built-in Microphone<\/th> | Yes; Records Anything Going on within a 15-ft Radius of the Camera<\/td> <\/tr> | Built-in Speaker<\/th> | Yes<\/td> <\/tr> | Audio<\/th> | N/A<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/div> Algemeen<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> | Operating Temperature<\/th> | -30\u201360 °C<\/td> <\/tr> | Storage Temperature<\/th> | -40\u201360 °C<\/td> <\/tr> | Operating Humidity<\/th> | 95% or Less (Non-Condensing)<\/td> <\/tr> | Storage Humidity<\/th> | 95% or Less (Non-Condensing)<\/td> <\/tr> | Verpakkingsinhoud<\/th> | \u2022 VIGI Network Camera \u2022 Quick Start Guide \u2022 Waterproof Cable Attachments \u2022 Mounting Accessories \u2022 Power Adapter<\/td> <\/tr> | Material<\/th> | Plastic<\/td> <\/tr> | Net Weight<\/th> | 0.69 Kg<\/td> <\/tr> | Gross Weight<\/th> | 1.16 Kg<\/td> <\/tr> | Power Supply<\/th> | 12V DC/1A, 5.5mm Coaxial Power Plug<\/td> <\/tr> | Antenna<\/th> | \u2022 Quantity: 2
\u2022 Type: 690~960&1710~2690MHz Dipole Omni-Directional Antenna
\u2022 Gain: Ant1:0.84dBi@690~960MHz, 2.85dBi@1710~2690MHz Ant2:0.74dBi@690~960MHz, 3.06dBi@1710~2690MHz <\/td> <\/tr> | Protection<\/th> | IP66<\/td> <\/tr> | Product Dimensions (L x W x H)<\/th> | 120 × 182 × 201 mm (excluding antennas)<\/td> <\/tr> | Certifications<\/th> | CE, RCM, BSMI, RoHS, NCC<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/div> <\/a>CAMERA<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> | Beeldsensor<\/th> | 1/3.06\u201d Progressive Scan CMOS<\/td> <\/tr> | Shutter Speed<\/th> | 1/3 to 1/10000 s<\/td> <\/tr> | Slow Shutter<\/th> | Yes<\/td> <\/tr> | Minimale Lichtsterkte<\/th> | 0.005 Lux; 0 Lux with IR/White Light<\/td> <\/tr> | Dag/Nacht Mechanisme<\/th> | IR Cut Filter<\/td> <\/tr> | Day/Night Switch<\/th> | Unified/ Scheduled/ Auto<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table><\/div>","short_description":"IGI C540-4G<\/h2> VIGI 4MP Outdoor Full-Color 4G Pan Tilt Network Camera<\/h1> - 4MP <\/strong>Super-High<\/b> Definition<\/strong>: The camera comes with 4MP\u2013more than enough pixels to pick up some of the more discrete details.<\/li>
- 24h Full-Color<\/strong>: Experience clear, vibrant 24-hour monitoring, even in total darkness.<\/span><\/li>
- 4G Mobile Networking<\/span><\/strong>: Enjoy hassle-free installation and simple monitoring in places where the internet is not available.<\/span><\/li>
- 360° Monitoring<\/strong>: Cover every corner and eliminate blind spots.<\/li>
- Human & Vehicle Classification: <\/b>Distinguishes humans and vehicles from other objects, so you receive more accurate event notifications.<\/li>
- Smart Detection: <\/b>Actively detects abnormal events like area intrusion and line-crossing, sending notifications to you instantly.<\/li>
- Automatic Tracking<\/strong>:
| | | | | | | | | | | |